Institute of GaleriSaham


our services

We Are A Fully Independent Adviser & Educator in IDX

Experienced as institutional adviser, Institutional order-taker, and HNW (high net worth individual) consultant since 2004, we believe that experience sharing through education is the BEST way to make a healthier ecosystem in capital market especially for both individual (retail) trader & investor. Everybody could make more money and consistently growing from time to time. Any activity in stock market MUST be based on the big picture by understanding the big fund’s, big investor’s, and big money’s point of view.

“Investment in knowledge pays the best interest” – Benjamin Franklin. Make sure to get the knowledge from the relevant ones.

Our ProgramS

Profit Trader Workshop

Exclusive Workshop bagi member Profit Trader Club dengan tools:  Profit Trader Module (PTM) dan Trend Optimizer Stock Screener (TOSS) untuk transaksi yang efisien & profitable.

Segment: Technical Analysis
Level: Expert (Simple)

Portfolio Makeover Challenge

Kelas online 5 hari untuk merombak portfolio lebih profitable dan berkembang konsisten. Dilengkapi dengan analytical technical tools untuk memaksimalkan proses analisa.

Segment: Five Days Challenge
Level: Beginner – Intermediate

Multiple Trading Strategy (MTS)

Kelas analisa teknikal yang sangat sistematis & teruji di berbagai kondisi pasar. Wajib diikuti bagi yang ingin meraih keuntungan lebih besar dan menghindari nyangkut.

Segment: Technical Analysis
Level: Intermediate

Fibonacci Trading Strategy

Exclusive Workshop bagi para trader yang ingin memiliki kemampuan prive forecasting. Metode ini bukan metode fibonacci biasa yang dipakai, namun memiliki time horizon yang jauh lebih besar lagi bagi saham bullish maupun bearish. Dengan mampu melakukan proyeksi, money management menjadi lebih baik, risk & reward lebih baik, dan mampu melakukan prioritas dalam memantau saham.

Segment: Technical Analysis
Level: Expert

VIP Stock Picking

Mencari saham potensial untuk bullish, bottom reversal, hingga bottom fishing menggunakan Trend Optimizer Stock Screener (TOSS) khusus member Profit Trader VIP.

Segment: Stock Screening
Level: Khusus member Profit Trader VIP

Trading Lab

Obrolan saham  yang diadakan secara online oleh tim GaleriSaham. Membahas stock pick, outlook, hingga data pendukung saham terkait.

Segment: Technical, Fundamental, & Market Analysis
Level: All Category

Richtirement Planning Workshop

Kelas financial & retirement planning (ring the bell) beserta cashflow game khusus korporasi/ institusi bagi para profesionalnya.

Segment: Personal Finance
Level: Corporate Inhouse Class

Financial Book: Richtirement

a money makeover for your financial freedom. Sebuah buku perencanaan keuangan yang wajib dimiliki oleh semua orang.

Segment: Personal Finance
Level: All Category

Our Schedules

Kopdar VIP Member

Kategori: Member Only

Program meetup informal & santai sesama member Profit Trader VIP dari jam 09:00 – 11:30 WIB di coffee shop.

Sabtu, 20 April 2024

09:00 – 11:30 WIB

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IDX Channel x Galerisaham

Kategori: Umum, Free to join

Diskusi interaktif bersama streaming platform: IDX Channel dengan tim GaleriSaham. Dibuka sesi pertanyaan live via whatsapp melalui IDX Channel.

Selasa, 23 April 2024

15:50 – 16:15 WIB

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Trading Lab

Kategori: Umum, Free to joinLive Streaming via Zoom (member only) dan Youtube (umum) membahas trading plan saham – saham potensial, entimen emiten, makro, dan sebagainya

Selasa, 23 April 2024

20:00 – 21:00 WIB

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Trading Lab

Kategori: Umum, Free to joinLive Streaming via Zoom (member only) dan Youtube (umum) membahas trading plan saham – saham potensial, entimen emiten, makro, dan sebagainya

Selasa, 2 Mei 2024

20:00 – 21:00 WIB

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Profit Trader Gathering

Kategori: Member Only

Acara pertemuan sesama member dengan topik tertentu dan diakhiri dengan stock picking untuk jangka pendek, menengah dan panjang.

Sabtu, 4 Mei 2024

09:00 – 11:30 WIB

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MTS - Multiple Trading Strategy

Kategori: Umum, Free to join


Sabtu, 6 Juli 2024

09:00 – 12:30 WIB

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Want To Grow Wealth?

Start your own successful business, be your own boss

But there is an easier way…

Buy a successful & prospective business then grow your wealth with it

You don’t have to do it by yourself. You can buy a successful one

At a good price



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